Habitat for Humanity of East and Central Pasco County Receives Malachi 3:10

June 2, 2024 | by magnews24.com

Habitat for Humanity of East and Central Pasco County is proud to announce its receipt of the esteemed Malachi 3:10 Award. This award is presented in recognition of the affiliate’s extraordinary generosity, having contributed over $500,000 in lifetime tithes to support the mission of Habitat for Humanity in a developing country.

This significant milestone underscores the affiliate’s unwavering commitment to fostering global community development and improving lives through sustainable housing solutions.

The Malachi 3:10 Award, named after the biblical verse that encourages tithing and generosity, is a testament to the affiliate’s dedication to making a meaningful impact beyond their immediate community.

Habitat for Humanity of East and Central Pasco County Receives Malachi 3:10 Award in Supporting Habitat Macedonia

The substantial tithes have been directed to Habitat for Humanity Macedonia, where they have played a pivotal role in funding housing projects, supporting local economies, and empowering families to build a better future. The affiliate’s contributions have not only provided shelter but have also instilled hope and stability in the lives of many.

“We are incredibly grateful for this recognition and the opportunity to make a difference in Macedonia,” said Crystal Lazar, President/CEO of Habitat Pasco. “Our commitment to tithing reflects our belief in the importance of supporting global communities and sharing our blessings. We hope our contributions inspire others to give generously and help transform lives through the power of decent, affordable housing.” This award highlights the profound impact that sustained generosity can have on communities around the world and celebrates the affiliate’s ongoing dedication to Habitat for Humanity’s mission.

Malachi 3:10: “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that it may be food in my house. Test me in this and see if I do not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.”

About Habitat for Humanity of East and Central Pasco County

Habitat for Humanity of East and Central Pasco County, located in Dade City, Florida, is celebrating its 30th Anniversary of building safe, decent, and affordable housing. To date, volunteers and donors have built 162 affordable homes in East and Central Pasco County. For more information about how you can be involved, visit www.habitatpasco.org or email mparks@habitatpasco.org.


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