Launch Event of the EU Business Hub – Japan and the Republic of Korea programme

May 20, 2024 | by

The EU Business Hub – Japan and the Republic of Korea is an EU-funded programme that supports EU Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the green, digital, and healthcare sectors to enter the markets of Japan and the Republic of Korea. The programme aims to strengthen EU businesses’ export and investment activities and to foster more resilient, sustainable, and technologically advanced value chains with both markets.

The programme will organise 10 business missions in Japan and 10 in the Republic of Korea over the next four years, each business mission allowing a group of 50 innovative EU companies to benefit from extensive business coaching.

During the event, we will explore the main objectives of the EU Business Hub, the services offered by the programme, information on business missions, the eligibility criteria and the selection process for participating companies.

Moreover, we will share the calendar of the first business missions in Japan and the Republic of Korea and provide information about the programme, the target sectors and industries for each mission, as well as the foreseen timeline for the application process.


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