Platform at Greer awards grants to Big Play in a Box, CAIRS Shoes

May 6, 2024 | by

Greer Moves, the nonprofit that awards funding to Platform at Greer graduates, announced May 6 Big Play in a Box and CAIRS Shoes will receive $25,000 in grants.

“Both grant recipients have remarkable business ideas that serve worthy causes and inspire us with their potential to make a significant impact,” said Philippe Barreaud of Greer Moves. “By providing seed funding, we are investing in a bright future for entrepreneurship in Greer.”

Founded by occupational therapist Connie O’Neill, Big Play in a Box was awarded a $15,000 grant. The business offers subscriptions and gifts for children ages three to eight.

CAIRS Shoes will receive a $10,000 grant. Company founder LaShonn Edmunds came up with the business when she was diagnosed with lymphedema, a condition that causes chronic swelling in her feet. Her company makes fashionable shoes that will stretch.


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