SIDS and the GEF: Three Decades of Environmental Leadership and Innovation

May 25, 2024 | by

Small Island Developing States (SIDS) face unique challenges due to their size, remoteness, and vulnerability to climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. Yet, they consistently demonstrate a powerful commitment to environmental stewardship. Their innovative approaches and tireless advocacy serve as an inspiration for all nations.

This publication highlights the ways in which SIDS are leading the charge on critical environmental issues. You will find stories of successful Global Environment Facility-supported projects that are fostering sustainable development, protecting biodiversity, and promoting climate resilience in SIDS.

The GEF is proud to partner with SIDS governments, communities, and civil society organizations to support their environmental priorities. We recognize the vital role of SIDS in shaping a sustainable future for our planet.
Through this publication, we:

  • Celebrate the achievements of SIDS in environmental leadership.
  • Showcase the innovative approaches being developed and implemented in SIDS.
  • Highlight the importance of continued support for SIDS’ environmental efforts.

Explore SIDS projects using the interactive GEF Geospatial Platform.


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