Township of Langley seeks funding for 400 new childcare spaces | West Observer

May 6, 2024 | by

The Township of Langley is seeking to expand its non-profit subsidized childcare spaces with the help of a provincial grant. Mayor Eric Woodward stated that the city council has identified ten potential locations for childcare sites, with council endorsing five of them. The council has chosen these locations based on factors such as neighbourhood needs, access to parking, proximity to park spaces, and nearby amenities. If approved by the province, these new locations could add approximately 400 child care spaces to the township, which is in high demand.

Funds from the provincial grant may be used to build new childcare facilities at Langley parks. Parents in the area have expressed the difficulty of finding childcare in their neighborhoods, with some having to juggle work responsibilities in order to pick up their children due to the lack of convenient options. However, concerns have been raised about potentially sacrificing valuable green space if childcare centers are built in parks. One local parent mentioned that Langley already lacks outdoor green spaces for children to play in and worries about further tree removal for building construction. The township responded by reassuring that no trees will be cut down for the planned childcare spaces.

Mayor Woodward is confident that the five chosen locations will be approved by the province, bringing much-needed support to families in Langley. The provincial grant would provide funding for the capital needed to establish the childcare locations, with the township taking over their maintenance and operation while working with non-profit organizations to offer subsidized childcare spaces. This initiative aims to address the growing demand for childcare services in the area and support working parents who struggle to find suitable care for their children.

The process of selecting potential sites for childcare centers in Langley involved careful consideration of various factors to ensure that the chosen locations would best serve the community’s needs. Woodward emphasized the importance of working alongside the province to secure the necessary support and funding to make these new childcare spaces a reality. The added 400 spaces would alleviate some of the pressure on families seeking affordable childcare options and provide a valuable service to the community.

Parents in Langley have shared their challenges in finding suitable childcare arrangements for their children, citing the limited availability of spaces and the impact it has on their work schedules. The addition of more subsidized childcare spaces through the provincial grant would offer relief to these families and provide them with much-needed support. While concerns about the potential loss of green space have been raised, the township has assured that measures will be taken to preserve existing trees and ensure that the construction of childcare facilities does not come at the cost of valuable environmental resources.

In conclusion, the Township of Langley’s efforts to expand non-profit subsidized childcare spaces through the provincial grant highlight a commitment to supporting families and meeting the community’s needs. The planned locations for new childcare centers aim to address the shortage of available spaces and provide working parents with accessible and affordable options for their children. The collaboration between the township, the province, and non-profit organizations underscores a collective effort to prioritize the well-being of children and families in the area. Through this initiative, Langley is taking proactive steps to enhance its childcare services and create a more inclusive and supportive community for all residents.


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