Focus on Change: Investment Opportunities in the Energy Transition

May 9, 2024 | by

In the second instalment of our energy transition mini-series, we delve further into the investment opportunities and answer some common questions from investors. Where are the most attractive opportunities in the energy transition? What do the returns look like, and should I invest locally or globally?

In this article, Asad Rashid and Mhairi Gooch share with you some case studies of recent investments we’ve encountered. They also provide further detail on our view that investing in renewables infrastructure and energy-transition assets presents an opportunity to target attractive returns with measurable climate impact and broader positive sustainability features.

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Our Focus on Change series explores issues relating to the climate transition and the drive towards achieving net zero. If you missed it, our previous article in this series provided a stock-take of progress in the energy transition to date and what the next phase looks like. Watch out for part 3, where we’ll take a closer look at the transition away from fossil fuels.


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