Rep. Smith urges House to address permanent year-round E15 solution – Brownfield Ag News

May 28, 2024 | by


Rep. Smith urges House to address permanent year-round E15 solution

U.S. Congressman Adrian Smith says yearly emergency waivers are not the long-term answer for year-round sales of E15 fuel blends.

“It’s interesting that (President Biden) wants to do an emergency waiver on a seasonal basis,” he said. “It speaks to why we just need to address this on a year-round basis.”

The U.S. EPA issued an emergency waiver last month allowing sales of the fuel during the 2024 summer driving season.

The Nebraska Republican tells Brownfield increased access and availability of higher blends of ethanol can help the administration reach its climate goals. “We’ve got great data now that shows the efficiency and productivity of ethanol, among other biofuels too, but in this case, ethanol that can really be a part of the solution. E15 is a great alternative.”

Smith says he’s optimistic Congress will pass a permanent solution. He says congressional efforts have been supported by petroleum fuel retailers. “They’ve been very supportive of year-round E15. I appreciate that. And so, we are building a stronger coalition every day.”

Smith is a co-author of the Consumer and Fuel Retailer Choice Act in the U.S. House.


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